A sect of Kyôha Shintô. One of the pre-war Shintô Jûsampa. Organized by Shibata Hanamori after the Meiji Restoration and recognized as an independent sect by the government in 1882.. Headquartered in Ômiya City, Saitama Prefecture; reported membership is approximately 11,000.
divine age script.
A general term for an indigenous written language claimed by some to have existed in ancient Japan before the introduction of Chinese. A theory arose in the mid-Kamakura period to the effect Japan's kana syllabary actually originated in the Age of the Gods, and that theory was followed by numerous similar claims in later years. In the Edo period the claim was a point of contention between disciples of Motoori Norinaga and Hirata Atsutane, the former denying the theory and the latter embracing it. From an academic standpoint, the research of Yamada Yoshio in 1953 has found fairly conclusively in favor of those who deny the theory, although some proponents still exist.
the Institute of Divinities.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Jingi-in.
A Shintô sect of the Meiji era, but not generally included among the 13 Shintô Sects. Organized by Urata Nagatami (1840-93), the group's first chief priest was Tanaka Yoritsune (1836-97). In 1898, it gained legal status as a society for the reverence of shrines. The following year Jingû disbanded and became Jingû Hôsai-kai.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Jinja Honchô.
Council for the Study of the Shrine System.
An investigatory committee for the purpose of preparing a uniform legal basis for State Shintô. Established in 1929, the committee succeeded in instituting a partial system, but a unified legal institution was never realized.
Association of Shrines.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Jinjachô.
Engishiki jinmyôchô. A list of kami recorded in the Heian-period legal code Engishiki, to whom offerings were presented during rites praying for abundant harvest.
Jinnô Shôtôki (Chronical of the Direct Descent of Divine Sovereigns).
A historical work written by Kitabatake Chikafusa (1293-1354). The number of volumes differs from source to source, but 6 is the most common number cited. The first manuscript appeared in 1339, and the completed version appeared in 1343. It covers the period from the "Age of the Gods" up to the 97th emperor Gomurakami (r. 1339-68), arguing that the Southern Court is the legetimate line of imperial succession. Its theory of the national polity had a great influence on later generations.
landlord deity.
A "landlord deity" or tutelary of land. Also called tochigami, chi no kami, and jinushisama.
A Shintô-based New Religion founded by Minemura Kyôhei. In 1931 it changed its name to Jiu. Beginning in 1945 the group was lead by Nagaoka Nagako (1903-1984), who gave herself the name Jikôson. In 1946 the group was disbanded by the Occupation GHQ authorities on the grounds that it agitated the people by prophesizing such things as natural disasters. Headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture.