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Shinbutsu-shūgō 神仏習合

by Yasuhiro OSA

In Japanese a religion called Shinto that worship “80 myriads” of kami or deities. Shinto is an ethnic religion that has been transmitted since long ago. It is very tolerant religion. The Japanese people’s nature is to recognize a variety of values, and to mutuality respect them Shinto can be called the foundation of that attitude.
For example, in Japan a religious phenomenon called shinbutsu-shūgō (kami-buddha syncretism occurred). The ethnic religion of Japan, Shinto combined with the world religion of Buddhism, which began in India. There are examples where one religion absorbs some of the deities or some of the doctrines of another religion. But it is extremely rare for religions to combine.
Also, in 2006, the Kumano was registered as a World Heritage site. One of the reasons for registering it is the fact that different religions coexist there. In the Kii mountain range are Kumano, a sacred site of Shinto, Kōya-san, a sacred site of Shingon Buddhism, and Mount Ōmine, a sacred site of Shugendô. They recognize and respect each other.

We have much to learn from Shinto, which recognizes and honors the other.

This is a Buddhist temple called Seigen-ji Temple of Ehime.

Because it is a Buddhist temple, Guardian Kings called Kongō-rikishi (Niō) protect the gate.
Kongō Rikishi

This is a Konpira-shrine enshrined in the precincts of Seigen-Ji Temple.
Konpira Shrine

In this way buddha and kami are worshiped at one place.  

作成者:Yasuhiro Osa
** My Shinto: Personal Thoughts on Shinto and Japanese Culture
** supervised by Norman Havens nhavens@gol.com
** Updated: November 7, 2007
URL: http://www2.kokugakuin.ac.jp/~n-havens/my_shinto/htmlfile/yosa.html