A deity worshipped by a naturally formed group living in a specific geographical area. In the broad sense, chienshin can include ujigami and ubusuna no kami, but the term usually refers to the village god, a deity worshipped by smaller geographical groups than those worshiping an ujigami or ubusuna no kami. A ketsuenshin or dozokushin may sometimes become a chienshin, or deities of other localities may be introduced as chienshin of new localities. The chienshin is chiefly a deity protecting the region in which it is worshiped, but since the Meiji period, there have been many cases of the chienshin of a small group being incorporated into an ujigami.
A tutelary god protecting a specific geographical area. Confused in some areas with ujigami or ubusuna no kami. A person who settles or builds in a certain place either performs a jichinsai, a celebration in honor of the spirit already dwelling in the place, or invites a deity from elsewhere to dwell in and protect the location. Chinju no kami are found in imperial residences, large mansions, Buddhist temples, and in the territories and castles of aristocratic families, and have come gradually to be worshipped as ujigami or ubusuna no kami. See also yashikigami.
A festival celebrated on the occasion of a visit by a specially dispatched imperial messenger (chokushi). This festival is performed at more than ten shrines, called chokusaisha, including Ise no Jingû, the two Kamo shrines, Iwashimizu Hachimangû, and Meiji Jingû.
An imperial messenger dispatched to convey the greetings of the emperor on the occasion of a shrine festival. Chokushi are dispatched to the three great festivals at Ise no Jingû (Toshigoi no Matsuri, Kannamesai, and Niinamesai) and to other annual festivals of shrines with chokusai status such as the two Kamo shrines in Kyoto.