Date: 23 May 2009
場所:國學院大學学術メディアセンター 1階 常磐松ホール
Place: Tokiwamatsu Hall at the Academic Media Center of Kokugakuin University
in Tokyo
10:00 開会挨拶:松村一男(和光大学教授)
opening remarks: by Kazuo Matsumura
10:05 歓迎の挨拶および共催プロジェクトの紹介:井上順孝(国学院大学教授)
welcome speech and introduction of our religious education project: by
Nobutaka Inoue
10:20 基調講演(1)吉田敦彦(学習院大学名誉教授)
Keynote speech by Atsuhiko Yoshida (Tokyo)
10:55 基調講演(2) マイケル・ヴィツェル (国際比較神話学会会長、ハーヴァード大学教授)
Keynote speech by Michael Witzel (USA)
11:45 基調講演(3)千家和比古(出雲大社権宮司)
Keynote speech by Yoshihiko Senge (Shimane Pref.)
Language: Japanese and English, Simultaneous interpretation (Japanese-English)
will be provided.
*参加費:無料 Participation fee: Free
*事前申し込み:不要(基調講演会のみどなたでもご参加いただけます) Pre-registration is not required.

Hosted by the International Association for Comparative Mythology (IACM)
Co-hosted by the Intercollege Project for
Education about Religions and Cultures (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Sponsored by Harvard University
Supported by the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University