Glossary of Shinto Names and Terms: D

daijôsai 大嘗祭


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Daijôsai.


Daikoku 大黒


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Daikoku.


Daikyôsei 大教正



The highest rank in the ranking system for National Priests. See also Proclamation of the Great Doctrine (Taikyô Senpu Undô) and Agency for Spiritual Guidance (Kyôdôshoku).


dashi 山車


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Dashi.


Deguchi Nao 出口なお


(1836-1918). Spiritual foundress of Ômoto. At the beginning of 1892, she became the instrument for passing on an eschatological revelation from the kami Ushitora-no-konjin. From 1894 she began writing down revelations in a journal called Fudesaki, which became the central scripture of Ômoto. In 1898, in conjunction with Deguchi Onisaburô she began the religious movement that resulted in the formation of Ômoto.


Deguchi Onisaburô 出口王仁三郎


(1871-1948). (Ueda Kisaburô). Doctrinal founder and organizer of Ômoto. Had mystical experiences in 1898 and met the foundress of Ô-kyô, Deguchi Nao the same year, after which he began interpreting and proclaiming the revelations contained in Deguchi Nao's Ofudesaki. His main work is the 81 volume Reikai monogatari (Stories of the Spiritual World).


dôzoku 同族


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Dôzokushin.
