Proclamation of the Great Doctrine.
1) Narrowly understood, the 1870 Imperial decree released by the Office of Propaganda to the people announcing the Kannagara no daidô (the Great Way of the Kami).
2) More widely understood, the movement directed by the Kyôdôshoku (Agency for Spiritual Guidance) in which doctrines such as "keishin, aikoku" (Reverence for Kami and Patriotism) were expounded to the people. It was a national indoctrination movement for the purpose of strengthening the imperial system and opposing Christianity, but it weakened in the face of Buddhist opposition and arguments for the separation of religion and government. The movement disappeared after the Agency was dissolved in 1884.
major festival also annual festival.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Taisai.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Taisha-zukuri.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Takama no Hara.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Takamimusubi no kami.
(1874-1965). Founder of the Amatsu Church of Ontake-kyô (1900). Takeuchi attracted military and nationalist followers through the use of "sacred treasures" and a document called the Takeuchi Monjo, a record supposedly passed down through his family, and which claimed to record the lineage of ancient kami and a dynasty preceding Emperor Jinmu. In 1936, Takeuchi and other leaders of his group were arrested for lèse-majesté. In 1946 the group reorganized under the name Dainichi-kyô, but it was branded an ultranationalist organization and ordered to disband in 1950. In 1952 it was recognized as a religious juridical person under the name Kôso Kôtaijingû Amatsu-kyô.
A collection of essays by one of the Edo period's preeminent scholars, Motoori Norinaga. He began to write these essays in 1792. The work totals 15 volumes including a one-volume index, and contains commentary on the Kojiki, investigations of various things, his views on dialects, investigations of topography and shrines, autobiographical information, and his concept of scholarly work.
Tamano mihashira.
A work authored by Hirata Atsutane, famous Edo period scholar of National Learning. Published in 1813, it describes Hirata's concept of the afterlife. The book marked a decisive point in the direction of Hirata's thought and created a controversy among National Learning scholars of the time.
Boys' Day.
"Boys' Day" celebrated on May 5. One of the five sekku or annual festivals recognized by the Edo period government, and popularly called shôbu no sekku. In modern times it has become a day for boys to celebrate. Various observances include the display of dolls in feudal armor, flying streamers in the shape of carp from tall poles, and gallant events such as horseback races and horseback archery.
Tanzan Shrine.
A shrine in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, enshrining Fujiwara no Kamatari (died 669), founder of the Fujiwara Family. In 677 Kamatari's eldest son, the Buddhist monk Jôe, constructed a 13-tier pagota as a mausoleum. The enshrinement in 701 of a wooden image of Kamatari marks the shrine's founding.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Tatari.
(1884-1966). Founder of Shôroku Shintô Yamatoyama.
(1914-1997). Second leader of Shôroku Shintô Yamatoyama. Served as Director of the Federation of New Religious Organizations of Japan.
A Shintô-based New Religion led by Okada Matsunozuke (1894-1975). Became independent in 1941. Headquartered in the Chûo Ward of Osaka City; reported membership is about 2,500.
The central kami of Konkô-kyô, believed to be the parent-god of the world and savior of human beings.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Tenjin.
One of the pre-war Shintô Jûsampa. Although foundress Nakayama Miki (1798-1887) began preaching in 1838, it was not recognized as an independent sect by the government until 1908. The fundamental teachings are contained in the revelations from the kami written down by Nakayama in Mikagura-uta (Songs for the Sacred Dance) and Ofudesaki (Tip of the Divine Writing Brush). Another important scripture in the sect's canon is the relevations received by Iburi Izô (1823-1907) recorded in Osashizu (Divine Directions). From the second half of the 19th century through the beginning of the 20th century, it was the largest new religion in Japan. It has also aggressively proselytized overseas. Headquartered in Tenri City, Nara Prefecture; reported membership is 1,880,000.
The "parent kami" and creator of the human world according to the new religion Tenri-kyô. In 1896, under pressure from the Meiji government and in accordance with the system of State Shintô, the name was changed to Tenri Ôkami. However, the original name (Tenri-ô-no-mikoto) began to appear again in publications in 1929 -- around the time when the second leader Nakayama Shôzen (1905-67) took leadership.
The new name adopted in 1925 by the religious group previously known as Tenri Kenkyûkai. It's named was changed again in 1950 to Honmichi.
A religious group founded in 1925 by Ônishi Aijirô, a priest of Tenri-kyô. In 1936 it's name was changed to Tenri Honmichi and to simply Honmichi in 1950.
A Shintô-based New Religion founded by Kitamura Sayo (1900-67). Became active in 1945. The muga no mai (selfless dance) of the believers was picked up by the mass media and the group came to be called "the dancing religion". Headquartered in Kumage County, Yamaguchi Prefecture; reported membership is 450,000.
A Shintô-based New Religion. Founded by Kitamura Sayo (1900-67), the group was at one time referred to as "the dancing religion" in the popular media. With branches in Hawaii and other places outside Japan, the group is headquartered in Kumage County, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and reports a membership of 450,000.
Ninigi's Heavenly Decent.
The "descent of the heavenly grandchild," a mythological tale of the descent of Amaterasu's grandchild Ninigi from Takamanohara to Mt. Takachiho in Hyûga.
unique divine rites.
A term used to distinguish those particular religious practices that have evolved as part of the history of specific shrines, from the more standardized set of Shintô shrine ceremonies observed nationwide. While the term shinji is ordinarily used to refer to a shrine's observances of ceremonial worship, the characters may alternately be read kamigoto, in which case they possess special meaning. For particulars, refer to Translator's Note XX of "Amenominakanushi no Kami" in Kami.
Tomioka Hachiman Shrine.
A shrine in Edogawa Ward, Tokyo, with legendary history going back to the mid 8th century. Following the rebuilding of the main shrine in 1707, it became one of the prominent structures in Edo. One of the three major festivals of Edo, the Fukagawa Festival, was held at this shrine.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Tônin.
the day of the cock.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Tori no Ichi.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Torii.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Toshigami.
New Year's kami shelf.
The household altar for enshrining the kami that visits at the New Year season and brings in the new year. Decorated with a shimenawa, it holds the various new year's offerings -- kagamimochi (a ceremonial rice cake), rice, sacred wine, and salt -- which are presented to the kami.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Toshigoi no Matsuri.
A kami of foods and offspring of Wakumusubi, one of the kami produced by Izanami as she lay dying.. Enshrined at the Toyouke Daijingû, the Outer Shrine of the Grand Shrines of Ise.
See Basic Terms of Shinto: Tsukinami no matsuri.
Alternatively called Tsuki no kami (moon kami). In purifying himself of pollutionsIzanagi gave birth to Amatarasu when he washed his left eye and to Tsukuyomi when he washed his right eye. Tsukuyomi is considered to be a male kami and the kami who rules over the night.
(1786-1859). A Shintô thinker and Kokugaku scholar of the late Edo period. His scholarship is a unique synthesis of classical texts and astronomy. After the arrival of Commodore Perry (1853), he advocated friendly relations with foreign powers when his opinion was sought by Shogun Tokugawa Nariaki.