Glossary of Shinto Names and Terms: N

Nagaoka Nagako 長岡良子


(1903-84). Second leader of the New Religion known as Jiu.


nagoshi no harae 夏越の祓


Summer Purification Rites.

Among the Ôharae that have been performed since the introduction of the ancient Ritsuryô System, the June purification is the only one that became popular among common people and came to be called nagoshi no harai, literally, purification for tiding over the summer. The ritual involves exorcism of pestilent epidemics prevalent in the summer season.


naijin 内陣


the shrine's interior.

The innermost sanctum of a shrine's main sanctuary, enshrining the shintai or mitamashiro, the object of worship in which the spirit of the kami resides.


Nakatomi no muraji 中臣連


Nakatomi is the name of one of the hereditary families that in ancient times oversaw the Shintô ceremonies of the court. Muraji is one of the titles designating the political and social status of ancient clans.


Nakayama Miki 中山みき


(1798-1887). Foundress of Tenri-kyô. After powerful revelatory experiences, Nakayama engaged in faith healing and rituals for safe childbirth. Later she preached the salvation of human beings, whom she called the "chlidren" of the "parent kami" (Oyagami). Her written works include Mikagura-uta (Songs for the Sacred Dance) and Ofudesaki (Tip of the Divine Writing Brush).


Naobi no kami オオナオビ・カムナオビ (記: 大直毘神・神直毘神、紀: 大直日神・神直日神)


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Naobi no kami.


naorai 直会


ceremonial repast.

See Basic Terms of Shinto: Naorai.


natsu matsuri 夏祭


summer festivals.

See Basic Terms of Shinto: Natsu matsuri.


ne no kuni 根の国


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Ne no kuni.


negi 禰宜


senior priest.

See Basic Terms of Shinto: Negi.


nenchû gyôji 年中行事


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Nenchû gyoji.


nigimitama 和御魂


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Ningen-shin, Tama2.


Nihon Seidô Kyôdan 日本聖道教団(旧高千穂神霊教団)


A Shintô-based New Religion founded by Iwasaki Shôô (1934- ). Established in 1974 as Takachiho Shinrei Kyôdan and assumed its present name in 1986. Headquartered in Urawa City of Saitama Prefecture; reported membership is approximately 70,000.


Nihon shoki 日本書紀


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Nihon shoki.


Nihon shoki den 日本書紀伝


Nihon shoki den.

A commentary on the Nihon shoki in 30 books and 147 chapters by the Kokugaku scholar Suzuki Shigetane (1812-63). Book 1 was drafted in 1854 and the final book was completed in 1862.


Nihon shoki sanso 日本書紀纂疏


Nihon shoki sanso.

A commentary on the Divine Age book of the Nihon shoki in 6 chapters and 3 volumes; compiled by Ichijô Kaneyoshi (1402-81). Completed in the period 1455-7. This work is indicative of the highest standard of medieval research on the Nihon shoki.


niinamesai 新嘗祭


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Niinamesai.


Ninigi no mikoto ニニギ (記: 邇邇芸尊、紀: 瓊瓊杵尊)



Grandchild of Amaterasu, Ninigi was commanded to descend from Takamanohara to rule over the land (Japan). He later took Konohanasakuyabime as consort.


Nitta Kuniteru 新田邦光


(1828-1902). Founder of Shintô Shûsei-ha. Began preaching a blend of Shintô and Confucianism in 1848.


norito 祝詞


See Basic Terms of Shinto: Norito.


Norito Kô 祝詞考


Norito-kô (A Treatise on the Norito).

A three-volume work published in 1768 by the pre-eminent Kokugaku scholar of the Edo period, Kamo no Mabuchi. It is a commentary on the norito of the Engi shiki.
